Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Sister Hatch and Sister Mellor sport the latest Christmas fashions for sister missionaries. Sister Hatch's family sent them PJ's to wear for christmas morning. They had a great Christmas morning and then went tracting in the afternoon. Jess said, "This way we will catch more people home."

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January 8, 2009

Sister Mellor is currently serving in Starkville, Mississippi. "I totally absolutely LOVE it! It's so hick and redneck and southern! I couln't love it more!"

Sister Mellor

Jessica left October 22, 2008 for the Alabama, Birmingham mission. This blog is so that everyone can be updated on her mission and mission pictures. Enjoy :)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Jessica's talk given on Nov. 30, 2008

Good morning brothers and sisters! I am very excited to speak today! But first a little introduction. I was born in Boise, Idaho when i was 2 my little family moved to Provo, Utah, then Orem, where they currently live. I am the oldest of 4. The youngest is 16 and 2 brothers in between us girls. I graduated High School in 2005 and attended a cosmetology school my senior year. i graduated from Bon Losee Academy also in 2005. i worked in a salon in Lehi for almost 3 years. i got my call to the Birmingham, Alabama mission on august 27th and entered the MTC on Oct. 22. i flew to Alabama on the 12th of November and drove to Starkville on the 13th! so, here i am very excited to speak this morning. My talk has a Thanksgiving and feasting theme. one year when i was younger on Thanksgiving morning, we were getting ready to go to grandma's. me and my brothers were fighting...or they were beating up on me or something...i don't really remember. but my dad came into my room! we anticipated a lecture or for him to get mad but instead he stated the obvious, it's Thanksgiving! and left the room my brothers and i looked at each other a little confused, is that all? a little while later in the car, my sister had a finger over the line i had just drawn for her not to cross! i glared at her as means as i could! we pulled up to grandma's house and my dad pulled me aside. it's never good when dad pulls you aside! you don't have anyone to point your fingers at! as you can tell, i was a perfect child. he pulled me aside and said quite forcefully "you love your brothers, you love your sister and you are going to be thankful today!" my dad and i still laugh about this story but I've never forgotten his point. i do love my brothers and sister (especially now that they're so far away) and i do have so much to be thankful for! the lord has taken a simple child like me and turned her into a missionary. without the Lord's help and support at home, i would never have made it. Heavenly Father loves us so much. He's provided a way for us, when we have a desire to do good. That's including these great books! in 1st Nephi 16, Lehi, Nephi and his brothers and their wives traveled long distances following the Liahona. 17 and 18, Nephi's family including his father Lehi, began to murmur against the Lord. In 23 and 24, they learned that the Liahona works only according to their faith and diligence. Nephi followed the liahona to the place he should hunt. v.32 in this chapter, we see that by small means ( like a bow made of a straight stick) the lord can bring about great things (like a feast for a family) Alma 37:6-8 is another example of smal simple things. i love this scripture! it has missionary work written all over it. simples thing- myself becoming a personal representative of our Lord Jesus Christ. V.9 small and simple things like the brass plates, a journal and geneology record becoming the keystone of our religion, the book that gets any man closer to God than by any other book, and a tool to repentance and bringing souls to salvation! the Liahona is another example of a small thing. Alma 37:40-41. They had faith in the Lord, this small thing would bring about miracles! 44-46, this brings us back to the words of Christ, the scriptures. Like in 40, if we have faith, these small things will bring about marvelous miracles! i encourage us all to feast on the words of Christ! 2 Nephi 32:3, by the power of the Holy Ghost, these small and simple words of Christ will tell us what we should do. Feast upon the words! if we are hungry, we feast! If we desire to do right, and have a desire for the word of God so much we are hungry for it, we feast upon it and study it and liken it to ourselves! Brothers and
Sisters, i encourage us all to feast upon the words of Christ, study it out in our minds! i promise as we do this great things will come. As you do this, share it with your friends and neighbors,m n one is exempt from this promise! One last scripture D&C 64:33. i believe my mom was inspired to send me this scripture on a sticky note in my last letter. It was the foundation of my talkjk this morning and a great inspiration to me. we are all in this great work together, we're on the same team! i know this church is the only true church, i know it with all my heart! we will bring many souls to Christ together. we are all children of God. You love your brothers, you love your sisters, and show you're thankful by sharing the words of Christ and your testimony. "be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work and out of small things proceedeth that which is great!" Thank you for listening, i say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.